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Equivalent Text Descriptions
Universally designed documents, slides, videos, etc require additional preparation to make them accessible to all individuals. Equivalent text descriptions (EqTD’s) provide written descriptions of graphic elements. While it is typical to think of this process as an accommodation for blind individuals, EqTD’s help individuals with low vision, cognitive or perceptual limitations as well as the student who does not speak English as a primary language, or who may not have completely understood the purpose of a graphic in a lecture. The location of EqTD’s may vary. On this page it is demonstrated that EqTD’s may be placed in a separate location with a copy of the graphic, a method that allows for bi-modal learning.
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34 items
Drawings and Illustrations | |
Entertainment and Culture Drawing
An illustration of a movie theater, an outdoor music venue, and a museum building represent a few of the various entertainment, culture and sports venues in a community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the entertainment and culture section of this website. |
Government and Utilities
An illustration of a large columned building and a water tower provides a quick visual reference to the "Government and Utilities" section of the virtual community. |
Illustration of a Shopping Center
A busy downtown strip full of people and a mall with a parking lot full of cars represents various types of stores typically found in a community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the shopping section of the website. |
Illustration of a Sports & Recreation Building
An illustration of an athletic stadium and a building represent the recreational or athletic center found in a community or a on a typical college campus. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the sports and recreation section of the virtual campus or community. |
Illustration of a TUSK Kit
This illustration of an open black suit case reveals the contents of a TUSK Kit. Inside the TUSK Kit are several tools used to simulate some of the problems that people with disabilities might encounter. |
Illustration of media related structures
A newspaper and magazine stand, television van and camera man, radio station and a satellite tower all represent various types of media and electronics. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the media section of the virtual community. |
Illustration of Restaurants & Dining
A busy café or restaurant with people seated outdoors represents the wide variety of dining options available. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the restaurants and dining portion of the website. |
Illustration of Schools & Education Buildings
Three buildings representing various levels of education found in a community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the schools and education section of the website. |
Illustration of Transportation Buildings
Various forms of transportation typically found in a community are represented by a bus, biker, walker, airplane, train and cars on a highway. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the transportation section of the website. |
Illustration Representing a religious institutio
A temple, church and a mosque representing various types of buildings of worship typically found in a community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the worship and religion section of the website. |
Illustration Representing Business and Services
An illustration of a large office building represents businesses and corporations in the community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference of the business and services section of this website. |
Illustration Representing Factory and Industry
Employment, union involvement, hygiene, management approaches, and contracts are represented by factory buildings, smoke towers and a semi truck. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the factory and industry section of this virtual community. |
Illustration Representing Farms and Agriculture
A large field appears in front of a house, a barn and a silo representing farming, agriculture and rural living. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the farming and agriculture section of this website. |
Illustration Representing Health & Medicine
This illustration of a hospital or medical facility represents one of many health and medicine facilities. The illustration provides a quick visual reference to the health and medicine section of thevirtual community or campus. |
Illustration Representing Homes and Lodging
Three types of buildings that represent the variety of housing and lodging available in the community. This illustration provides a quick visual reference to the homes and lodging section of the website. |
Logos | |
Pathways to Independence Logo
The Pathways to Independence logo is a hand reaching for the stars. |
R2D2 Logo
The logo, including the text "Rehabilitation Research Design & Disability" for the R2D2 Center. |
Universal Design Logo
Universal Design Logo: a globe with and equals sign on it. |
UWM Logo
The University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee logo, as it appears on many UWM documents and websites. |
Icons | |
Microsoft Excel icon indicating that this resource is in the form of a a spreadsheet document. |
"Go to Next Page"
A right-pointing arrow links user to the next page. |
Go to First Page
A left-pointing double arrow serves as the link to the first page in a series of pages. |
Icon of Go to Last Page
Right-pointing double arrow links to the last page of a series of pages. |
Icon of Go to Previous Page
A left-pointing arrow represents a link to the previous page. |
Icon of Internal Link
A small box with an arrow pointing inward to the middle of a box represents that a reource or website is from the ACCESS-ed Project. |
Icon of No Next Page
Arrow indicating that there is no next page in the current series of pages. |
Icon of PDF
Icon indicating that the document will be opened by Acrobat or another PDF reader. |
Icon of PowerPoint Presentation
An icon adapted from Microsoft PowerPoint indicates that resource is a slide presentation. |
Icon of Quicktime Movie
Icon for the Quicktime movie program indicating a video. |
Icon of Windows Media
Icon of a Windows Media file indicating that the video can be opened by Windows Media Player. |
Icon of Word Document
Icon adapted from Microsoft Word indicating that this document is a Mircosoft Word or other text type document. |
Icon representing Last Page
A right-pointing double arrow indicates that the current page is the last in the series of pages. |
Icon represents"No Previous Pages"
A left pointing arrow indicates you are on the first page. |
On the First Page
A left-pointing double arrow indicates that you are at the first page. |
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Virtual Community