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ACCESS Main Street Staff

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Pathways to Independence Program:

Ellen S. Felix, M.S.
Senior Policy Analyst

The ACCESS Main Street Team
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee:

Aura M. Hirschman, M.S., C.R.C.
Universal Design Field Coordinator and Trainer
background: Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling

Melissa R. Lemke, M.S.
Research Specialist
background: Biomedical Engineering

Cheryl Locher, M.S.
Research Program Manager
background: Human Resources and Labor Relations, Business Management

Roger O. Smith, OT, Ph.D., FAOTA, Fellow RESNA
Director, Rehabilitation Research, Design and Disability Center (R2D2)
background: Occupational Therapy and Industrial Engineering

Tereza Snyder, B.F.A.
Web Developer
background: Programming and Graphic Design

Keith Edyburn, B.S.E.
Technical Services Professional
background: Engineering and Computer Science

Student Staff:

Crystal Schaaf, B.S.
Graduate Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Amy Erfurth, B.S.
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Carrie Jennerjohn, B.S
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Kati Liegl
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Kristen J. Lueck
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

... in the 21st century, there is no excuse for making inclusiveness an afterthought. It should be a given.

Gould, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 2003