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ACCESS Main Street Staff

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Pathways to Independence Program:

Ellen S. Felix, M.S.
Senior Policy Analyst

The ACCESS Main Street Team
University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee:

Aura M. Hirschman, M.S., C.R.C.
Universal Design Field Coordinator and Trainer
background: Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling

Melissa R. Lemke, M.S.
Research Specialist
background: Biomedical Engineering

Cheryl Locher, M.S.
Research Program Manager
background: Human Resources and Labor Relations, Business Management

Roger O. Smith, OT, Ph.D., FAOTA, Fellow RESNA
Director, Rehabilitation Research, Design and Disability Center (R2D2)
background: Occupational Therapy and Industrial Engineering

Tereza Snyder, B.F.A.
Web Developer
background: Programming and Graphic Design

Keith Edyburn, B.S.E.
Technical Services Professional
background: Engineering and Computer Science

Student Staff:

Crystal Schaaf, B.S.
Graduate Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Amy Erfurth, B.S.
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Carrie Jennerjohn, B.S
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Kati Liegl
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

Kristen J. Lueck
Student Assistant
background: Occupational Therapy

"We cannot afford to let the issue of disabilities be simply an afterthought. We have a unique opportunity now, as industry pours billions of dollars into upgrading the communications infrastructure, to make sure that people with disabilities are not left behind. Now is the time. Accessibility of services and products for all Americans has got to be a design feature, not an add-on."

Chairman Kennard, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Statement on Video Description, 11/18/99