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Tools and Resources

How-to Strategies

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Resources in this section include guidelines and methods for implementing universal design.

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Creating an Accessible Tri-fold Brochure

If you are using “Adobe InDesign Creative Suite 2” and “Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional” this document will teach you how make accessible brochures.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Creating an Accessible Tri-fold Brochure  (PDF File)

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DARC Manual- A How-to Guide for Increasing Campus Accessibility

If you have interest in developing a campus network to infuse and disseminate universal design information and strategies, this manual will be helpful to you. The DARC (Departmental Accessibility Resource Coordinators) Network is highlighted along with tips for start-up, management, and training.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

DARC Manual  (PDF File)

DARC Manual - PDF Version  (PDF File)

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EqTD's for Graphic Elements - Why & Where

Equivalent text descriptions (EqTD's) are extremely important and can be difficult to create. Here you will find a set of EqTD related documents that detail processes, purposes and levels of complexity. The origin of providing alternative text for graphic elements and a brief review of the R2D2 standard are included.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Equivalent Text Descriptions - Why and Where  (PDF File)

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Equivalent Text Description (EqTD) Tutorial for Graphics

This 5 page tutorial provides step by step instructions and examples for writing equivalent text descriptions for graphic elements.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Tutorial for EqTDs  (PDF File)

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Plan UD & LCE Workshops

These files will provide the information you need to lead Universal Design & Learner Centered Workshops. Please note that the ppt file is labeled "Draft" because some of the graphics do not have EqTDs written yet.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

DARC Training: How to Prepare UD & LCE Workshops  (PDF File)

Universal Design & Learning Centered Education (DRAFT)  (PowerPoint Presentation)

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Video Closed Captioning Protocol

This protocol will help you to create a video with a caption track. Videos captioned with this method will be playable by older versions of QuickTime, back to QuickTime 3 (depending on video and audio code used).

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Video Closed Captioning Protocol  (PDF File)

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Video Descriptive Track Protocol (Draft)

This protocol will help you create a video with an additional audio track that attempts to describe the visual component of the video. Note that the file created from this document will always have the additional track playing. We are currently examining the possibility of adding a toggle button.

Video Descriptive Track Protocol (Draft)  (PDF File)

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Access for Students who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf

This website contains tips specific to accommodate hard of hearing students. These strategies can be applied by either students or teacher to improve the learning environment for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Class Act: a project of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology (NTID/RIT)

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Accessible Podcasting

Excellent discussion and strategies for making accessible podcasts. "Podcasts are an increasingly popular way to present content on the Web. Because they are audio files, they generally only work for people who can hear. In addition, they are often quite large files, which can present accessibility problems for people with slower connections to the Internet. Podcasts that include video, often referred to as vodcasts, generally have larger file sizes than a podcast of the same duration, so the speed of the user's Internet access is even more crucial." The webpage appears to be home-made.

Peter Batchelor and Jonathan O'Donnell

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Accessible Solutions from Bob Vila

This website page includes accessibility concerns from the work of Bob Vila (This Old House TV show). Many accessibility topics have "how to" videos.

Bob Vila

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Company Disability Policy Guidelines

In formulating your company's policy regarding the inclusion of persons with disabilities as customers and staff you might want to utilize these guidelines.

Independent Living Institute, Johanneshov, Sweden

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Creating Accessible Documents

This resource is centered around creating accessible documents. It includes a few basic steps that should be followed in order to assure your content is accessible.

University of Washington

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Description Key for Educational Media

Description is the verbal depiction of key visual elements in media and live productions. Also known as “audio description” or “video description,” the description of media involves the interspersion of these depictions with the program’s original audio. "Description is the key to opening a world of information for persons with a vision loss, literacy needs, or loss of cognitive abilities. While description was developed for people who are blind or visually impaired, millions of others may also benefit from description’s concise, objective translation of media’s key visual components.

These guidelines are a key for vendors and cover a range of topics from preparing to describe to determining both what information needs to be described and how to describe it. The information is also applicable to vendors and other businesses [PDF] that provide description for broadcast television and other media. Some background information and rationale are included for the novice, as well as an evolving list of description resources to help improve the quality and efficiency of one’s description."

This web page includes a more detailed definition, philosophy and more.

Described and Captioned Media Program, in conjunction with The National Association for the Deaf and the American asociation for the Blind

Captioning Key for Educational Media: Guidelines and Preferred T  (PDF File)

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Developing Accessible Websites

In order to assure that websites and web applications are accessible to and usable by everyone, designers and developers must follow web accessibility guidelines. This resource addresses topics and issues that are especially common.

University of Washington

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Guide to Planning Inclusive Meetings

This pdf guide is to help organize meetings that are inclusive. An area often overlooked by meeting planners, or dismissed as too difficult, is how to make a meeting accessible for people with disabilities. By considering accessibility as part of the planning process, you ensure that everyone can participate and be involved, which means a successful meeting. The guide includes a useful checklist, resources, and a glossary.

Human Resources and Skills Development Canada

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Guidelines for Universally Accessible and Usable Workplaces

This 13 page guide (2003) explains the universal design guidelines for the workplace. It also introduces an approach to developing guidelines to integrate universal design into office planning. The results of a survey regarding the current awareness of universal design among Japanese facility managers is also addressed.

World Workplace Europe

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Improving the Accessibility of Social Media in Government

This website contains helpful tips from social media leaders to ensure social media content is accessible to all people, including those with disabilities.

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Making Spreadsheets More Accessible

Spreadsheets, charts and graphs, worksheets and more can be made accessible by design. This website includes resources for appropriate formatting and design.

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), London

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Residential Rehabilitation, Remodeling and Universal Design

This 27 page guide explains general accessibility features every home should include in order to accommodate homeowners with various abilities and needs in the future. The guide includes a list of priority features, select important universal features, and diagrams of how to remodel/build an accessible home inside and out.

The Center for Universal Design, NC State University College of Design

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The Incredible, Accessible Presentation: Crafting PowerPoint Presentations That Work With Assistive Technology

This web page includes the steps to create an accessible PowerPoint presentation, from beginning to end. Tips and resources are included with easy-to-read directions for anyone.


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The PALM Initiative - Purchase Accessible Learning Materials

"As classrooms start to incorporate more digital technology, it becomes increasingly important that materials used in the classroom are designed to be useable by all students from the start. This requires adjustments in the way materials are purchased, and that, in turn, will drive the availability of more flexible and accessible learning materials in the marketplace." The PALM Initiative (Purchase Accessible Learning Materials) offers a Tool Kit and other valuable resources that identify the problem and offer suggestions for impacting publishers regarding accessibility of instructional media.

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM Center)

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Universal Design of Advising

General guidelines and a comprehensive checklist of considerations to make the student advising process accessible for persons with disabilities.

Burgstahler, S - Washington University, DO-IT

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Universal Instructional Design (UID): A Faculty Workbook

This workbook is for faculty and instructional developers who are in the process of planning or revising a predominantly“face to face” course and are interested in making it more consistent with UID principles. "Indeed, because fewer individual accommodations are needed when the principles of Universal Instructional Design (UID) are applied, UID can save time for instructors, reduce possible stigma associated with asking for special accommodation, and provide a greater sense of equity and fairness for students." The checklist is based on the 7 Principles of UID.

Learning Opportunities Task Force, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Government of Ontario, 2002-03

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Using Universal Design for Learning: Successful Transition Models for Educators Working with Youth with Learning Disabilities

This InfoBrief identifies and explains selected classroom-based strategies within the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) model.

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Web Best Practices Overview

Web Best Practices Overview: This group, lead by Jon Gunderson of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, convenes regularly "to develop best practices for web development using HTML, CSS, Javascript and Adobe PDF." Information about joining, issues and topics for discussion are found at this website.

Assistive Technology in Higher Education Network (ATHENS)

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Website Accessibility and Color Design

This website provides education on accessible website color design.

Giacomo Mazzocato

The message I'll that inclusion is extremely important for kids with and without disabilities.

Clay Aiken