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Tools and Resources

TUSK - Trace Usability Screening Kit

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The Trace Usability Screening Kit (TUSK) provides a set of tools that can be used to identify some of the problems that people with disabilities might encounter in using a product.

Quoting from the Trace Center website,

  1. TUSK can be used by product designers to screen early prototypes, uncovering major obstacles to accessibility in the early stages of product development - prior to usability testing.
  2. TUSK can be used by consultants doing product reviews.
  3. TUSK can be used by educators as part of awareness training related to the types of usability problems encountered by people with functional limitations.

"Advancing employment opportunities and expectations for people with disabilities strengthens not only America's economy, but our moral fiber. It creates a more inclusive America, one where every person is recognized for his or her accomplishments — and that should be our goal not just on Labor Day but every day."

Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, Office of Disability Employment Policy, September 7, 2009