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Learn About Universal Design

This section of the website serves as an introductory window into information about universal design. The concept originated through the work of architect Ronald L. Mace, who was the founder and director of The Center for Universal Design at North Carolina State University. He coined the term “universal design”, and a common definition which stems from his work is:

The design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design.

Seven Principles of Universal Design were authored by a group of architects, product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers affiliated with the Center.  These principles are commonly applied to environments, products and communications.

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Accessibility Regulations and a Universal Design Philosophy Inspire the Design Process

This 8-page web article offers that "Universal design asks designers to rethink some fundamental formal architectural concepts, to contemplate environmental equity for all kinds of users, and to consider a variety of ways the environment can be designed or adapted to accommodate people’s changing needs, such as those of the aging or of people who don’t speak the dominant language."

Architectural Record

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Accessible Design/Universal Design Resources

This website contains many links on Universal Design. The website also contains seven principles of universal design and guidelines.

Lubin, J

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Applying Universal Design to the Workplace

This three-page fact sheet “offers guidelines for applying universal design in the workplace to address the needs of employees and customers with disabilities”. The fact sheet also discusses the seven principles associated with universal design and how they can be applied to various areas of the workplace. Specific examples are provided.

DBTAC Northwest

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Global Universal Design

"GUDC (Global Universal Design Commission, Inc.) a not-for-profit corporation, was developed to establish Universal Design standards for buildings, products and services. The provided UD standards will guide corporations and government entities in the creation of barrier-free facilities, provide diverse users with access to commerce, public services, entertainment and employment opprotunities."

Global Universal Design Commission, Inc.

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RERC on Universal Design and the Built Environment at the University at Buffalo  (Research based)

This webpage introduces their 2 research projects, 2 development projects, and 2 training and dissemination projects as a rehabilitation engineering research center (RERC) on Universal Design and the Built Environment. The webpage also provides year by year publications on the projects as well as links to previous RERC-UD Cycles.

State University of New York at Buffalo

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Disability is part of the natural diversity of human life. It touches all of us, whether through our own individual experience or that of a family member, neighbor, friend or colleague. As such, we all have a role in—and benefit to gain from—advancing equality for people with disabilities in all sectors of society, including the workplace. 

Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, Office of Disability Employment Policy