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Global Universal Design

"GUDC (Global Universal Design Commission, Inc.) a not-for-profit corporation, was developed to establish Universal Design standards for buildings, products and services. The provided UD standards will guide corporations and government entities in the creation of barrier-free facilities, provide diverse users with access to commerce, public services, entertainment and employment opprotunities."

Global Universal Design Commission, Inc.

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Posted by: OmidJahanian on Thu Nov 12, 2015 at 8:04 a.m.

The idea behind this not-for-profit corporation "Increasing usability, safety, health, and social participation through design" is really intresting, but currently there are just some presentations on specific topics on their website and I could not find anything practically useful in resources available in this website.

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"When I had my accident I was told that, if I were to live, I'd live in an institution for the rest of my life... I don't think those people thought that that institution would be the Parliament of Canada"

Steven Fletcher, Member of Canadian Parliament