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The Accessible Virtual Community

Factories and Industries

Illustration representing the Factory and Industry section of virtual community.

Among many other considerations for accessible industry and production are terms of employment, union involvement, hygiene, management approaches, and contracts. How are these items designed to be inclusive of all blue and white collar employees? What are the barriers that people with disabilities face when it comes to employment and labor? How can an employer go beyond the law to find qualified candidates with diverse abilities for their workforce? To search for more specific related information, you can go to our Search Page.

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Universal Design of Consumer Products: Current Industry Practice and Perceptions  (Research based)

This research article includes extensive interviews, a comprehensive survey, and the monitoring of the effects of many of the key facilitation strategies. The key external strategy, although controversial, is that of government regulation requiring the accessibility of products and services. Other important strategies include training and educational programs in universal design and development of market data.

Gregg Vanderheiden, Ph.D. & Jim Tobias

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ADA Requirements: Service Animals

This website has updated ADA guidelines, regulations, and rights for people with service animals.

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Applying Universal Design to the Workplace

This three-page fact sheet “offers guidelines for applying universal design in the workplace to address the needs of employees and customers with disabilities”. The fact sheet also discusses the seven principles associated with universal design and how they can be applied to various areas of the workplace. Specific examples are provided.

DBTAC Northwest

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Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access

This website contains information on the center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access (IDEA). The IDEA Center at Buffalo, NY is dedicated to improving the design of environments and products by making them more usable, safer, and appealing to people with a wide range of abilities throughout their life spans. This includes project information, community dissemination activities, publications, sample pictures of universally designed homes, and links.

IDEA at University of Buffalo NY

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Incorporating Noise Abatement in Universal Design to Prevent Noise Related Hearing Loss & Health Problems

The acoustical environment of most residential, commercial and industrial space is typically given little or no attention during project planning and design. Demand is growing for interior design that adopts universal design principles to living and working spaces as a preventative measure.

Acoustiblok Inc.

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Spectrum Support Program

The Spectrum Support Program at the Rochester Institute of Technology provides assistance in helping students, particularly those with autism spectrum disorders, achieve in their academic, social, and career success. The website for the program offers additional resources, information about services offered, and the enrollment process.

Rochester Institute of Technology

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Tips for Communicating with People who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing

A tip sheet for communicating with individuals who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.

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Universal Design - A Benefit for Business

This website provides information of how universal design can assist a company to attract and keep a diverse workforce and benefit the business.

Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Department opf Labor

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Value of Universal Design in the Workplace  (Research based)

This 17 page research article gives background information regarding universal design in the workplace including social implications and its value from a management perspective. It consists of guidelines for universal design planning in different stages of the process as well as interviews with executives, mangers, and workers. The purpose of the research is to serve as a reference when introducing universal design to offices and other workplaces.

Jobsite Universal Design Study Team & Japan Facility Management Promotion Association

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Disability is part of the natural diversity of human life. It touches all of us, whether through our own individual experience or that of a family member, neighbor, friend or colleague. As such, we all have a role in—and benefit to gain from—advancing equality for people with disabilities in all sectors of society, including the workplace. 

Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, Office of Disability Employment Policy