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Farms and Agriculture

Farming, agriculture and rural living have unique accessibility concerns. The 2008 Farm Bill addresses funding for people with disabilities and their families who earn their living through agricultural production. To search for more related information, you can go to our Search Page.
13 items

AgrAbility Assistive Technology Resources
This website provides a list of resources for specific accessibility issues per conditions and links to other resources. This website also provides a TOOLBOX, where visitors can search the toolbox for specific assistive technology solutions, products, techniques and ideas.

AgrAbility of Wisconsin
This website contains information on adaptive farming for farmers and families that are affected by severe disabilities. The website has assistive technology and basic information to make farming possible.
AgrAbility of Wisconsin

Assistive Technology Fact Sheet for the Farm
This PDF describes assistive technology used on the farm. The material is organized into categories with examples of technology listed.
Ohio State University Extension, Ohio Agrability

Assistive Technology in Argiculture
This PDF discusses the assistive technology in agriculture including tractor alterations, livestock, dairy, crop production, poultry and living spaces.
Virginia Cooperative Extension

Barn Builders Network
Barn Builders Network builds an informal peer support network of farmers and ranchers with disabilities across the nation. Limited personal resources and lack of services for people in rural areas can be obstacles for independent farmers and ranchers with disabilities. Perhaps a farmer might like to know of others in his or her state who are farming with the same type of disability or similar farming operation. Whatever the connection, BNG draws these people together to let them know that they were not alone. The information was compiled into a directory, which is updated as new people join the network. Application and more information are available on the site.
inMotion - A Publication of the Amputee Coalition of America

California AgrAbility Project
This website provides a very brief description of the services and purpose of the California AgrAbility Project in creating accessible agriculture.
California AgrAbility Program

Farm Modifications Provide Pain-Free Independence - A Story from AgrAbility
This website is based from AgrAbility PennState and updated in 2004. This article tells a very brief synopsis of a farmers experience with AgrAbility and the benefits he experienced after participating in the program. It also talks briefly about the national training workshop and about Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology (PIAT) and its focus areas.
AgrAbility, Penn State

Farming and Ranching with a Disability
This article discusses the difficulties of farming and ranching with a disability. Basic information regarding the AgrAbility program is presented including the population served, services provided, challenges in providing services, the outcomes, and future of AgrAbility.
National Ag Safety Database

Impact of Arthritis on Farming
This article features an inspirational story of a farmer’s participation in and benefits from the Breaking New Ground Program. It also contains a few resources and assistive technologies for farmers with disabilities.
Purdue Agricultures Magazine

National AgrAbility Project Website
This is the national site for The National AgrAbility Project. The project's mission is to "assist people with disabilities employed in agriculture and to provide practical education and assistance that promotes independence in agriculture production and rural living." The National AgrAbility Project website lists services, purpose, contacts, and resources of this project on both a national and state level.
The AgrAbility Project

The Easter Seals Wisconsin FARM Program (Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods)
The Easter Seals Wisconsin FARM Program (Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods) serves agricultural workers who work in different roles on a farm. These roles may include the primary owner and operator or an employee of the farm. We also work with people to identify areas of need if they are not now working on a farm, but are interested in becoming involved in a farming operation.
Easter Seals Wisconsin

Tips for Communicating with People who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
A tip sheet for communicating with individuals who are deaf and hard-of-hearing.

West Virginia AgrAbility Information
The website is to provide initial eligibility information for West Virginia AgrAbility and explains the benefits of the program. It also contains links to other AgrAbility websites and complementary sites.
West Virginia University