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The Easter Seals Wisconsin FARM Program (Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods)

The Easter Seals Wisconsin FARM Program (Farm Assessment and Rehabilitation Methods) serves agricultural workers who work in different roles on a farm. These roles may include the primary owner and operator or an employee of the farm. We also work with people to identify areas of need if they are not now working on a farm, but are interested in becoming involved in a farming operation.

Easter Seals Wisconsin

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Posted by: nfranke on Tue Nov 12, 2013 at 6:27 p.m.

This page is not all that easy to navigate, but provides a lot of good basic information for someone as a good starting point.

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Disability is part of the natural diversity of human life. It touches all of us, whether through our own individual experience or that of a family member, neighbor, friend or colleague. As such, we all have a role in—and benefit to gain from—advancing equality for people with disabilities in all sectors of society, including the workplace. 

Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, Office of Disability Employment Policy