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Who Belongs on ACCESS Main Street?

Welcome All!

The Access Main Street was designed with community professionals (e.g. business persons, government staff, educators, employers, advocates, and designers), people with disabilities and their families in mind. However, all who are part of a community are invited and encouraged to view the website and utilize our resources. We offer a wide spectrum of Universal Design (UD) information, which is meant to meet a variety of special interests, from basic to very specific. We hope you will find the website helpful and educational. Please feel free to provide resources, feedback and suggestions via our Feedback Form.


People with disabilities

People with disabilities as well as their family members, friends, caregivers, advocates, etc. may use this site to increase their knowledge of the resources available related to accessibility and universal design. They can access articles regarding new policies and guidelines, find checklists, locate programs and services for home modifications and redesign, learn about workplace adaptations, explore leisure and recreation opportunities, etc.


Although ADA guidelines are enforced for workplaces (including office buildings, factories, restaurants, and other public facilities), employers may want to explore this site to increase their knowledge of different guidelines, investigate possible solutions to eliminate accessibility barriers, learn about solutions to help accommodate employees with disabilities, etc.


Builders, designers, remodelers, and architects could benefit from this site by becoming more familiar with universal design and accessibility features. lt is important to be aware of accessibililty options that can be implemented to improve existing buildings and facilities, but it is even more important to consider and address accessibility issues before buildings are built using universal design.


Educators and trainers may utilize information from this site to increase their own knowledge of accessibility and universal design, to teach others about accessibility and universal design concepts and tools, or for their own continuing education purposes.

Technology managers

Technology managers can find universal design and accessibility information on this site to consider when creating or updating websites, software, computer programs, computers, etc.

Healthcare professionals

Healthcare professionals can use the information on this site to help maintain and improve the health and well being of their clients, through considering the accessibility and universal design of environments such as hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. Accessibility and universal design information is available related to products such as medical equipment. Resources from this website can help both healthcare professionals and their clients improve access to healthcare for people with disabilities.

Transportation managers

Transportation managers may use information from this site in addition to ADA requirements to ensure the accessibility of facilities such as airports, train stations, bus stops, etc.

Food services managers

Food services managers can use information from this site to help make dining an enjoyable experience for everyone, regardless of their different abilities and limitations. Accessibility and universal design information is provided as a supplement to standard ADA requirements to help ensure that kitchen and dining facilities are accessible for both employees and consumers with disabilities.

Recreation managers

Recreation managers can find ideas and programs to help ensure that everyone who wishes to participate in leisure and recreation opportunities are able to do so. Information is provided to help make recreation facilities and activities accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. 


Administrators can use this site to increase their understanding of universal design and accessibility. This information can help to improve accessibility of facilities and information throughout the organization.


Students can use the information on this site to help navigate their school or campus more efficiently, know their rights according to ADA, and make sure the assignments and projects they submit are accessible to their teachers and peers.


Religious and clergy officials can find information on this site to help make places of worship accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities and limitations.

The message I'll that inclusion is extremely important for kids with and without disabilities.

Clay Aiken