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SCAN-IT  (Research based)

The Student Campus Accessibility Needs Information Tool (SCAN-IT), is a consumer driven assessment tool to gather data at the student-level concerning campus accessibility experiences and challenges. The survey evolved into the current SCAN-IT over several iterations, including validation as the Accessible Campus Environment Survey (ACES), also found on this website. It is presented here as an Excel chart, though it is intended for use in a software program called X-FACT, which utilizes a scaling strategy called Trichotomous Tailored Sub-branching Scaling (TTSS).

Dennis Tomashek, MS, Aura M. Hirschman, MS, Roger O. Smith, PhD, OT, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

SCAN-IT Taxonomy  (Excel Document)

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... in the 21st century, there is no excuse for making inclusiveness an afterthought. It should be a given.

Gould, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, June 2003