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WebAnywhere - A Screen Reader On The Go

WebAnywhere is a web-based screen reader for the web. It requires no special software to be installed on the client machine and, therefore, enables blind people to access the web from any computer they happen to have access to that has a sound card.The web page includes links to video or audio tutorials for using WebAnywhere.

University of Washington

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Posted by: on Wed Dec 03, 2014 at 11:10 a.m.

This description may be outdated, but it does not give much information about how to actually use the screen reader. It does show a video, but a detailed instruction list might be more meaningful to users who are interested in the software.

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Posted by: gmp28 on Wed Dec 03, 2014 at 11:20 p.m.

The information or description may be outdated because it referred to something in 2008. The video was nice but maybe something that can be read or printed out would help also.

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We know that equality of individual ability has never existed and never will, but we do insist that equality of opportunity still must be sought.

Franklin D. Roosevelt