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Accessible Documents Using Styles

This PDF contains a quick and easy overview on how the "styles" feature enables the design of accessible documents, as well as organized and structured documents.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Accessible Documents Using Styles  (PDF File)

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Posted by: guard on Tue Nov 10, 2015 at 2:03 p.m.

This resource is a great quick guide to understand the importance of using styles and find additional resources for creating styles in a document. Some of these websites listed in the guide need to be updated as they lead to an error page and are "not found". The links for Word Training and Understanding Styles in Microsoft Word are still available and provide a large amount of information.

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"ODEP and ETA will work together to ensure that the workforce development system implements universal design strategies for all providers, thus opening doors to many individuals previously untapped as workers in the green economy."

Assistant Secretary Kathy Martinez, Office of Disability Employment Policy, December 16, 2009