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Top 10 Tips for Accessible Slide Presentations

This posterette is a guide for making slide and PowerPoint Presentations with universal design for accessibility.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Top 10 Tips for Accessible Slide Presentations  (PDF File)

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Posted by: katem on Tue Nov 13, 2012 at 6:33 p.m.

The one thing that someone might consider is what type of san serif font that the presenter uses. Sometimes the space inbetween the letters of a word can be to close and may blurr together(example: condensed or narrow fonts). Also, if the presenter is sending out the presentation to multiple viewers than the font should be a standard san serif font instead of a personalized font.

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Posted by: guard on Tue Nov 10, 2015 at 2:10 p.m.

Some of the links on this tip sheet are inactive and could be updated. This tips sheet is really simple and easy to read and allows a person to use the external links for additional information on how to increase the accessibility of their PowerPoint presentations. it even brings to light the importance of making sure nothing flashes too quickly in case someone has a seizure disorder.

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"We cannot afford to let the issue of disabilities be simply an afterthought. We have a unique opportunity now, as industry pours billions of dollars into upgrading the communications infrastructure, to make sure that people with disabilities are not left behind. Now is the time. Accessibility of services and products for all Americans has got to be a design feature, not an add-on."

Chairman Kennard, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Statement on Video Description, 11/18/99