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Barrier Free Dining

Barrier Free Choices is a detailed website which allows individuals with disabilities to search for a restaurant through an extensive checklist which includes payment options, dining options, special dietary considerations, special requirements, and various other options.

Barrier Free Choices

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One visitor has given this entry 3 out of 5 stars.

There are 2 comments on this entry.

Posted by: slarcom on Tue Nov 13, 2012 at 2:04 p.m.

This website is useful for finding barrier free options in your community. The website however I thought was distracting (the letters would have a wave of shine), the font was difficult to read at times, as well as the dark green color(and some pink) on a light green/blue background. It is nice that the site gives the option for translation. I personally found finding a barrier free building a little difficult because I wanted to change my needs, but could not use the "back" button. The icon in the upper left hand corner was easy to use, but sometimes I had a difficult time knowing what screen I was on, and how to get back to where I wanted to be. I found the website to have a large amount of text, which I found to be difficult to navigate to find the gist of what I was reading. Overall this website provides a great service, though I think the website needs some rethinking as far as color scheme and text amount.

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Posted by: nfranke on Tue Nov 12, 2013 at 6:42 p.m.

Neat idea, but very hard to use. It was not very intuitive, and after playing around on it for a bit, I was unable to generate any actual useful results.

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Recognizing and respecting differences in others, and treating everyone like you want them to treat you, will help make our world a better place for everyone. Care... be your best. You don't have to be handicapped to be different. Everyone is different!

Kimputer, Kim Peek, inspiration for Rain Main