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Construction Contract Tips

This PDF provides construction tips to insure accessibility. This document also includes an example of model contract language.

R2D2 Center at UW-Milwaukee

Construction Contract Tips  (PDF File)

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There are 2 comments on this entry.

Posted by: diha2000 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 at 7:02 a.m.

The document is very easy to read and I liked that it opened up to a screen size of 130%. However, I feel that the title does not match the content of the document. There is only 1 paragraph on the contract portion. The rest of the 1st page describes who and why this is important. The flowchart gives an overview of the entire process of ensuring accessibility within construction--> which could be its own little posterette.

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Posted by: Amber Peplinski on Thu Nov 12, 2015 at 12:50 p.m.

I thought this document was very informative, and easy to follow flowchart. However, I expected more of "tips" rather than background information.

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