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Know a good UD website or resource?
About Workplace Access
A workplace that maximizes ALL people's abilities through Universal Design considers the physical building, interiors, outdoor space, equipment, and communications. Policies and procedures provide the rules and infrastructure that support a workforce that is diverse and well trained with flexibility to maximize employee abilities. Company values support an organizational culture where behaviors, attitudes and programs support and sustain inclusivity. Certainly, the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) mandates compliance with minimal standards for accessibility. However, considerations for universal design, along with ideas such as improved training, flexibility, hiring practices, telecommuting, culture and management enhance the creation of an accessible and inclusive climate for everyone.
(from a PowerPoint presentation by Joe Entwhistle, National Consortium for Health Systems Development, and Ellen Felix, WI Pathways to Independence)
9 items

Accessible Hospitals
This PDF document discusses the accessibility of hospitals and tips on design and factors to consider to make a facility accessible.

ADA Requirements: Service Animals
This website has updated ADA guidelines, regulations, and rights for people with service animals.

Applying Universal Design to the Workplace
This three-page fact sheet “offers guidelines for applying universal design in the workplace to address the needs of employees and customers with disabilities”. The fact sheet also discusses the seven principles associated with universal design and how they can be applied to various areas of the workplace. Specific examples are provided.
DBTAC Northwest

Assistive Technology in Argiculture
This PDF discusses the assistive technology in agriculture including tractor alterations, livestock, dairy, crop production, poultry and living spaces.
Virginia Cooperative Extension

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.
U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)

PERC - Pathways to Employment Resource Center
This website from Pathways to Employment provides resources to expand opportunities for persons with disabilities to earn income and participate fully in community life. PERC is a Wisconsin partnership of individuals, researchers, service providers, and employers dedicated to providing resources, education and training, technical assistance, and research for persons with disabilities to find employment.
Perc Think Work Website

Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) on Workplace Accommodations
This RERC website identifies, develops and promotes new assistive and universally designed technologies that maximize independence and participation of people with disabilities in the workplace. A primary focus of the Workplace RERC is the use of universal design concepts -- the design of products and environments to be usable by all workers, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. Included are examples, studies, continuing education courses, information about conferences, research, and many resources and links.

Resources for Adults with Disabilities - Learning and Work
Resources from projects at the University of Kansas that address issues in the transition, education, employment, and quality of life of adults with disabilities, including research-based information to policy makers, service providers, individuals with disabilities, and family members that will ultimately empower people with disabilities to live more productively and independently. Most are PDF documents.
Center for Research on Learning, University of Kansas

WorkSource Wisconsin
This website provides Wisconsin employers with the resources necessary to recruit and retain employees with disabilities. WorkSource Wisconsin is a not-for-profit organization with the goal of providing Wisconsin employers with accessible and complete information regarding the employment of individuals with disabilities.
WorkSource Wisconsin